Friday, April 26, 2024

Just Waiting for Quality Assurance

Lest anyone think I know what I'm doing, this is the second time today all the pavers were in place. I had a miscalculation that left me having to make some ugly cuts at one end, so we decided to make the border different to make up for the mess and make things look a lot better. I think it worked.

It did take up a lot more pavers than I expected, though, so we'll have to go buy some more to finish the rest of the job, but it's nice to see all of this in place. I hope it passes quality assurance. I do need to put the sand in, but I'm not doing that until it's been approved.

Update 1: I moved two half-pavers, and it has passed QA. Now I just have to finish waiting for my sand to dry out and this bit is finished.

Update 2: I'm pleased to report the table my saw is on -- you can see part of it in the picture -- isn't broken. I thought it was the last time I put it away, so when I got it out this time I cleaned it up really good after I used it and it all seems to have folded together just fine.

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