Friday, February 7, 2025

"It's Almost Like Being in Love"

As a nation, we need a pause.

We need to watch "Groundhog Day," and see in Phil Connors a man who finds his place in time again when he ceases to treat others as objects, but as real people whose lives matter, even if it's hard to see how, or even if they're different than he.

Stephen Tobolowsky: "I don't think we really want BIll to get the girl. I think we detest Bill and his smugness at the beginning. I think one of the miracles of the movie is that during the course of the movie we want boy to get girl."

Andie MacDowell: "I think that you can tell Bill's character was really suffering. That even though, I mean, he was explosive and mean and cynical and all those things, you felt sorry for him, because you knew he couldn't be happy like that. And you see this other person that's peaceful and generous and kind and so you're thinking why can't this person who is suffering so much find peace and hook up with this other peaceful person and be happy. So I think it's just a generous nature of human beings to see someone who's obviously in pain and suffering and even though they're a total jerk to wish for them to not be like that."

We ought to remember what we stand for, and realize that sometimes our actions are result of hypocrisy. We can be wrong when others are right, and when that happens we ought not do double down on our wrongness, but recognize that we can learn from others and become better human beings in the process.

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