Monday, January 8, 2018

2018 Goals [Snicker]

This is usually the time I sit down and write a blog post outlining my goals for the year.
Looking at past goal blog posts, the only thing I have to say for this year is this:
  1. Ahahahahaha.
2017’s goals were met with much pessimism.

Probably because 2016’s goals were, shall we say, probably a bit too lofty for the ignernt writing them out.

2015, per my blog, was devoid of goals. Maybe that’s why 2016 was so optimistic.

2014 was more delusional whargarbl. Publish a book? What was I thinking?

So 2018 may end up like 2015, wherein I do not state any goals. Although I’m about to break that by stating one:
  1. Do SOMETHING with Doleful Creatures. Finish the latest edit. Find some beta readers.
OK, that’s two things. But two closely related things, so I think I can get away with it.

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