Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Spiritual Entertainment

So this past weekend, I did something I've never done in my entire life: I attended the entirety of stake conference, including the leadership session.

Biggest take-home: "Spiritual entertainment without transformative action."

I think it was Elder Rollins who said this. Or maybe it was one of the other guys. My notes are kinda sketchy.

But this is what stuck with me: Am I merely being spiritually entertained, say, by watching videos like the one posted above?

Or am I acting on what's being said to me?

Some days, it's hard to tell.

Lots of stress lately. Full-time job, part-time job. No time to work on the book I started five years ago. Well, there's time. And then there isn't, because of reasons. It's hard.

I'm being pulled in a taffy-puller, and I'm one of the people cranking it to ludicrous speed. So I've got some stuff to sort out. Thinking out loud sometimes helps.

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