Monday, March 21, 2022

A Wild Day in Facebook Advertising

It's been an interesting roller coaster day in Facebook ads.

This morning, almost nothing but ads from local state representatives pitching woe or pitching woo.

Then later came the NFT and crypto bros.

Round about 2 pm, inexplicably, ads advising me on how to increase attendance at my karate school.

Then we moved on to more dudebros in really, really bad haircuts urging me to "book that free call" or read their list of "six simple tips" to help my financial standing go from poorhouse to powerbro in as little as an afternoon.

I should probably stop clicking on them to read the comments, as I'd get fewer of them. But leaving this video for the financial dudebros has been cathartic.

Karate school, one of a few:

Bad Haircut financial dudebro:

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