Saturday, March 5, 2022

The Project I Don't Want to do Right Now But I'm Doing it Because it Needs to be Done

Like the master bathroom, the kids' bathroom is falling apart.

Isaac scrubbed the shower walls several weeks ago, and as he did so, tile fell off the wall and landed on his foot.

So this happened:

I didn't want it to happen this soon, but it's happened. And that's okay. There's enough mold behind the tile that it's good it's all coming out.

Today, this happened:

I accidentally put the panel on the left on backwards, but it won't matter all that much. I have to get some thinset into the joints and let it all solidify and harden, but then it's ready for tile. Maybe we'll have better weather by then; right now it's still a bit cold to be running a wet saw to cut tile.

We're also seriously looking at a remodel of the basement bathroom as well, and I'm okay with that too. I'm wondering if I can get a shower stall there instead of another tub to clean, but we'll have to see how that goes. It would mean extra work.

The upstairs bathroom will mean extra work enough. I know I've got some subfloor underneath the toilet that's going to have to be replaced, along with the flange and bit of pipe that the toilet connects to. Not looking forward to that. I may farm it out to someone else. If I do that, that should bring an end to the occasional and far-between random leak from that bathroom into the kitchen below, so I can replace that one bit in the kitchen ceiling and be done with it. That'll be nice, if I can pull it off.

I would like to talk to the howler monkeys who framed the bathroom. There's one spot next to the tub where there should be a stud, but instead we get a stupid flat 2X4 that doesn't even go all the way down to the floor because they had to cut around an electric wall heater that they could -- and should -- have moved rather than mess up the studs. So I get to figure out how to fix that, and I'm not a fan. Buncha jerks. Cover it up quick and leave it for the next poor schlub of a homeowner to deal with when the crap job you did on the tile finally rots all the way through.

Oh well. I suppose in thirty years some other homeowner will be complaining about the crap job I've done on some of the repairs and remodels I've committed against the house. Thus is the circle of life.

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