Wednesday, March 2, 2022

About Today's Wordle . . . (Spoiler Warning)

 I see today a lot of complaining about today's Wordle:

The biggest complaint: English contains many words that end with "ASTY."

The Free Dictionary offers FIVE "ASTY" words, which in the world of Wordle is many.

I think the complaints stem from two likely sources:

1. People playing in "hard" mode that requires all correct letters to be used, limiting choices.

2. People playing in "hard" mode in their heads only and locking themselves into the trap of limiting their attempts to eliminate consonants.

This, of course, plays into my consonant-first Wordle strategy, and why I'm pointing out my smartypants ways.

Today my performance on Wordle was completely done by luck; I had no letters in the right place until I had the right word. It just happened that as I looked at what consonants were involved and where they might have to lie in the word, "nasty" just came to mind.

Still, locking yourself into using the correct letters on every line, even early on, limits your chances of getting rid of likely consonant starters (the Y isn't a problem here, as always, it's the consonants). It's better not to use the correct letters over and over again; it's better to use words that help you to eliminate consonants. So get the letters right on whatever line you get them, but from then on don't play them until you've eliminated a few consonants first.

(Note I don't necessarily follow my consonant-first strategy strictly here, as I also eliminated possible vowels along the way; that's where the luck plays in.)

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