Sunday, August 11, 2024

Over for Another Year


Yesterday I drove up to Island Park to tow the utility trailer home, marking the (almost) end of the Island Park Scout Camp season for my family. I say almost because Michelle will head up there for two (or possibly) three days to assist with groups wanting to use the camp's zipline.

It's nice to have them home, though it does mean that I again have to start maintenance and repair work on the camper again. Not looking forward to that. Still trying to track down an elusive roof leak in the rear bathroom area. I've also decided this fall I'm going to remove the water pump so we don't lose another one. I think the one we had in there before -- only about two or three years old -- got zapped by a sudden freeze that came after Michelle had the camper up in Island Park for the season. It's always dicey to think summer is going to come there as soon as it comes here in the valley.

I've also got to spend some time tinkering with her jeep brakes, as they failed completely after a fellow camper drove it around with the emergency brake on. I suspect some cooked brake pads, but I'll have to take a closer look.

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