Sunday, August 25, 2024

The Re-Junking Continues Apace

Because I have a genetic propensity to hoard bulky objects (Dad firmly believed in the theory of home improvement by making the property heavier) I finally figured out how to shoehorn the carport I mentioned earlier onto the property. I have to get the roof on along with the rest of the walls, and move one of my woodpiles for the fourth time, but it's coming together.

Or I'm having a psychotic episode. Either way . . .

I am close to realizing my goal of a condensed wood pile -- the small pile next to the carport is going to be moved adjacent to the larger woodpile in the photo. I had thought about putting some in the carport to keep it out of the snow, but that would mean less space for the other junk that's clogging the garage right now.

The slot where the little woodpile is now is going to be home to our canoe once I've got things cleaned out.

I'm not necessarily bragging in that last photo -- it's just our collection of PVC resting in the window well of the study until I can get things cleaned up enough to move it. I have thought of converting it into a shelf for the storing of PVC, but if I build the shelf I no longer have any PVC to store, so it's a real pickle.

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