Wednesday, February 1, 2023

"Radioactive, Huh?" [Tosses into the Back of the Truck.]

I can't wrap my head around this story.

They say this capsule -- about the size of a Tic-Tac -- likely "fell off a truck" as it was being transported.

Was it sitting loose, just rattling around? That seems highly unlikely; it had to have been stored in some kind of container. No one would just lob a bit of radioactive material in the back of a truck and hope it would stay there if it were this small.

Yet none of the stories mention any container, any container recovery, and all have fretted over the possibility the capsule got stuck in a tire tread and toddled off somewhere far from the search area.

Either there's something really missing from the stories being told, or there's something really awry with how Australia handles radioactive material for transport.

I'm glad they found it . . .

Update: Should have gone to the BBC:

This makes a lot more sense.

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