Friday, September 8, 2023

Closing in on Finishing

Started out today on the last major wall of this project. But was stymied because I forgot to buy more housewrap. My wife was nice enough to get some for me while she was out, but was a little miffed in her OCD way when all the wrap I put on today was upside down.

Good news is, I got it all covered.

Hoping to get more done tomorrow (hoping to finish, actually). But we'll see if that happens. I'm going to have to get the ladder up on the roof and then an assistant to hold the ladder as I work. Going to try to get as much done from the "ground" as I can, though. I don't like ladders.

This might be the wonkiest wall of siding I've done on the house, as I've struggled to keep it level. It's in "close enough" territory, so I'm not that worried about it.

I am down to only one box of siding in the garage. Which is a good thing. I still have to finish the big wall and the chimney, including the short side seen in this photo, as I haven't even started on that wall yet.

Here's one thing to think about, though. As I buy my supplies at Home Depot, I note they have vynil soffit and fascia there as well. So I may be doing that next year. Though I think next year will be a "finish the fence" year.

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