Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Speaking of Madmen . . .

A lot of people are going to start dumping anew on Mitt Romney, as he announces he's not going to run for re-election in the Senate.

Not that I blame him. As a Republican, the party left him a long time ago. He'd have fit in better in the 1980s when there were more reasonable Republicans, but not so today.

Is he a perfect man? No. Does he have more integrity in his little finger than the sycophants in Congress and the Republican Party? No question.

Reading this article is enlightening. These are the people who are ruling the nation: Morons.

But remember, it's the RINO we're supposed to be scared of, not those who blink at an insurrection or support a president who lost an election and tried to steal it back.

You'll note I'm not putting this on Facebook. That is because, unlike Mitt Romney, I am a coward. I just don't want to deal with the sycophants, yanno? The echo chamber on social media is large.

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