Saturday, September 2, 2023

[Laughs Pessimistically]

So I'm back on the siding thing. No, wait, still on it.

All I have left to so is the upper part of the northern part of the house to do. If I could only figure out how to get the truck up there so I can put the ladder in the back of it like I did on the lower part of the north side, I'll be in business.

But, of course, that's not going to happen. So I'm going to have to use a ladder.


So right now I'm concentrating on the lower bits I can reach from the roof. Behold, after two days of work:

I'm actually a little further on than that, having covered most of the house wrap on the chimney here. I was just too tired to go out and take another picture.

I don't mind saying getting the angles along the bottom of the chimney kicked my butt; I ended up wasting two lengths of siding trying to get it right.

Clearly the north side is where all the bugs, particularly houseflies, go to die, because the old siding has been absolutely full of bug corpses. I've swept a lot of them up.

I had hoped to be further along than this, but what I've got done has taken a lot out of me. Walking on the slanty roof is a lot more tiring than it should be. But I can see the end of it, so that's good news.

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