Monday, January 29, 2024

In Defense of January

I see a lot of griping online about January being the longest month.

Mostly, drivel like this:

I get it, I guess. The holidays are over. Here in the Northern Hemisphere we're full into winter, with the grey skies and whatnot. And I know a lot of people -- myself included -- are affected mentally by the grey days that make January what it is.

But there's plenty to like about January, if you're me.

It's my birthday month. Also, my daughter's birthday month. That's well and good, I suppose.

It can be cold here in January. But the sun still shines and the sky is still blue when the clouds roll out.

January is full of hope when I open the front door and startle a squirrel on the fence and I get to watch it scramble along and then leap into the pine tree.

January is full of hope when I see the sparrows bouncing around looking for and finding things to eat.

And though the holiday decorations come down, the house suddenly feels bigger without two fake trees taking up some of the landscape.

And we're that much closer to spring.

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