Friday, February 2, 2024


The house we grew up in, in which we lived until I went on my mission in 1993, is being torn down.

When I came home, Dad had built a new house a few streets over, which was fine. Many happy memories there.

But so many more at the old house.

Albert, my oldest brother, stopped by there today to take some photos. The house is a pretty sorry sight, and actually has been for years. I think it's ready for a rest.

Two sheds that Dad built, the small one first on the right, then the "Pioneer House," which included a built-in bed, wood stove for heat, and other little amenities. It had been a workshop and chicken coop for years before that.

Al in front of the house, with the front door behind him. Not an original tree left in the yard.

Back of the house, with the garage on the left, back door and then on the right the extension Dad built on the house I think either when I was very young or maybe before I was born. Big pine tree, or at least the stump of one, where Dad planted it, along with the cobblestone path to the Pioneer House.

Garden patch, where we pretended to weed and played a lot. I buried a sock full of marbles in there somewhere. Never did find them.

Another shot of the back of the house. Dad built a bedoorm here for he and Mom, along with the "family room," with vaulted ceiling and green carpet. I took over the bedroom for a while. It was nice and quiet there.

Brick wall between the two garage doors, with the weeping mortar worn smooth by many of Al's basketball tricks, "running" up the wall to make a shot.

Full shot of the Pioneer House. When he built it, he used windows from the old church on Lincoln Road where we went to church. These aren't it.

House from the front, with the bedroom wing on the left and kitchen/garage on the right. I wish I had a garage that deep on my property now.


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