Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Oh, Look. *Another* Van.

So here's the newest addition to the family. Lexie is on the cusp of getting her license and is technically living in Pocatello right now relying on the good graces of others to get her around. So when Michelle saw this on 17th Street, we decided we'd better take a look.

At first we thought we'd lost it -- we were the first to look at it, but there was another family that had called first, so they got first dibs. They ended up passing for some reason.

It's at the mechanics right now getting a tune-up and a general look over. We did take it to them before we bought it and he figured it looked and sounded like a good deal. We'll see how it goes. We absolutely do NOT need another vehicle sitting in the driveway, but that's what we're looking at for the time being, until Lexie gets her license.

Finding a car during these "uncertain times" has been a real battle. Not too long ago when we were looking, the price range was about a thousand less than this and we were finding a lot of good cars. This time around, cars in that price range were all either being parted out or so junky or mechanically unsound they should probably be condemned. We got lucky with this one.

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