Tuesday, August 2, 2022

A Statistical Blip -- and A Blessing

NOAA tells me it rained 0.073 inches last night.

On the one hand, it's a statistical blip. When you're measuring amounts of rain that small, it seems hardly worth noting.

But the air this morning was glorious, from the smell of wet grass even to the smell of the damp patio concrete. And the puddle of accumulated water standing on the lid of my sprinkler parts box was a joy: The first accumulated rainfall since, geez, I don't know when.

And it means highs only in the mid 80s today, with more rain to come.

I prayed for rain. Have been asking for it for a few weeks now. So this little bit of rain must be celebrated. Yes, I'd love more. But we gotta take what we can get, and be grateful.

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