Friday, September 30, 2022

"One Shed" Jacksoned

Let the truth be known I've been banned from Facebook for 24 hours for suggesting I should burn my own shed down rather than clean it.

When will Facebook's bots learn to read context? And when will Facebook ever say, "Oh, our bad," if in their "review" they find their bot was in error? This won't happen because no one is reviewing what the bots are doing. Not a single person. Never seen it before, so when they say my opinion on the matter will make a difference to their bots, I have to laugh and call them liars. Because that's what they are.

I'm so grateful Facebook is protecting the world from minor jokes as content inciting violence while at the same time they're being sued for not protecting actual people from actual violence that led to a lot of people being dead.

My shed, a plastic hovel filled mostly with bicycles no one is using, has more influence on Facebook than I do.

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