Saturday, March 16, 2024

. . . A Lorry-Load of *Interesting* Cheeses . . .

Rest assured, folks, Facebook is out there protecting you. Protecting you from the likes of. . . 

Rowley Birkin.

I imagine it's the title of this clip that caught it in Facebook's humorless web:

Now, Facebook has yet to follow up with me for reporting two individuals posting pornographic material and tagging me in their posts because I commented on an automotive-related page and they figure, car guy=sexual deviant. I don't know if they're protecting me from that.

But they are protecting you, gentle reader, from the horrors of humor. Just so you know.

Again, note the complete lack of a clear explanation as to what exactly was wrong here. You'd think by the message there that they objected to the lorry-load of interesting cheeses. No mention of the video at all. I only guessed when I went back to YouTube and saw the title of the clip:

Their reluctance to repeat the (shh!) *naughty words* does them and their users a disservice. Had this happened a week, a month hence, I might have lost all context and had no idea what they were talking about, as seen here.

Facebook, do better.

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