Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Move in *Closer* to the Kill Zone, Please

(Updated link)

Explosive eruption near the Black Diamond Pool at Yellowstone's Biscuit Basin.

[Prepares to kiss my bum goodbye.]

I live about 2 hours or so south of the park, right in the kill zone if this supervolcano ever goes critical:

The video linked above it pretty spectacular. The camera woman has a great idea at the beginning: RUN RUN RUN, but also does a magnificent job of keeping her camera steady and capturing the action.

A bit later in the video they're shown walking back through the destruction to the parking lot, something I don't think I would have done. The loop back to the highway is probably 2/3 of a mile, but it didn't go through the eruption zone, though it was shorter. I mean, who knew how stable the boardwalk would be after that eruption? I wouldn't have trusted it.

We were in the park a few weeks ago, but opted to go north instead of south and visited the Norris Geyser Basin.

The red here shows the Black Diamond Pool, near where it's believed the eruption occurred. The orange/yellow likely shows where the video was captured. The blue is the route I would have taken to get out of the area.

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