Sunday, July 14, 2024

Restraint, not Reaction

Folks, can we just pause a moment?

Can we stop looking at what happened today and figuring out how it might be to our political advantage?

Can we put away the soap boxes and just think, even for a few moments, that maybe all the political rhetoric -- from many, many sides -- fomented what happened today?

Secretly cheering, openly cheering, chastising, berating, tsk-ing, braying, finger-pointing, fear-mongering and now beating the drums about what lessons should be learned . . . won't do us a lick of good.

What happened today is as egregious an attack on our nation's stability as, say, what happened on that January 6, that November 22, that June 17.

Can we pause for just a moment to consider that we could react in a way to what happened today to bring more stability, more fraternity, more lovingkindness . . . or in a way to bring more of the same shitstorm we've witnessed in the past several years and lead to something far, far worse down the line?

As its citizens go, goes the nation. Where do you want us to go?

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