Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Too Many Adults in the House

One thing I'm learning: I'm not sharing this house with kids; but I am sharing this house with two of my children who are adults and have appropriate adult interests.

I spent a good portion of my evening gutting my shed and moving my workbench into it. The workbench used to be in the garage, but it got moved out to make way for our youngest's growing pile of auto repair tools.

I will likely spend a good portion of the weekend putting up shelves in our oldest's room so he has more room to store his LEGO collection. (And since many adults collect and display LEGO, I disput the argument that this is an adolescent pursuit.)

Space is tight. I had argued that when our daughter -- bless her soul -- got married and move out we should convert her bedroom into some kind of hobby room, likely dominated by LEGOs. But I was rightly overruled as the room was cleaned and painted and turned into a guest room, which has been used by our daghter and her husband on a few occasions since they got married.

So the options are thus: I'm slowly removing contents from the shed so I can convert it into some kind of tiny workshop for me. Next to it we'll set up a carport that our youngest scavenege from a friend to store things and to be used as a workshop extension. I'm also getting rid of some old tools and bicycles which we're no longer using, along with a rusted out trailer I inherited from my brother.

All the while I'm wearing a carnation at my lapel so I don't look too industrial.

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