Thursday, July 4, 2024

New Stairs Going In

So I sat there for about a half hour, with almost all of the supplies and materials for the steps, doubting what I was about to do. The old stairs were creaky and felt lopsided and I was sure the concrete they sat on wasn't level.

I'm still feeling like this about the project, but it's too late for doubts now:

I do have most of the "bones" in for the stairs, leaving just the treads and some weatherproofing to finish. I was going to do more tonight, but neighbors are barbecuing and want a peaceful evening before they blow up everything for the Fourth, so I'll wait until morning. It'll be cooler then anyway. Spent about $430 on materials and supplies, but I hope we'll get a good set of steps out of it all. I was glad to find the pre-cut step treads, as I was sweating bullets about having to make my own. They cost a total of $80, but their uniformity is worth the cost.

Update: I did slip out and do a little bit more because I figure my neighbors can put up with a little bit more construction noise since some of them will have me up past midnight with their fireworks.

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