Sunday, June 16, 2024


Hey, Caktus AI, c'mere a minute:

Trust me, the good teachers know.

This goes beyond the typos in your ad copy by the way (was it AI-generated? In that case, well done). A good teacher doesn't need an AI checker to identify copy a student didn't write.

And even if we don't, well . . . you got your money I guess. And they got their grade. But they didn't learn anything except to spend money to get a grade.

I get it: AI is a neat tool. I can see legitimate uses for it in the classroom. But those who use it in the way you espouse cheat themselves of a learning experience. If they cut corners like this, what other corners are they cutting, and what price will they (or others) have to pay for those shortcuts?

Just learn how to write a paper. I'd much rather read a paper that's less than perfect but through which a student learned something, than one that's perfect but only cost them a little cash to generate.

And just as AI evasion is getting better, so is AI detection. AI detection isn't limited to using a service to scan a text. I can use my own eyes, my own brain.

Since you don't want your users to "get caught," you already know it's cheating. I know you don't care, because you got their money.

Students: That's what these people want, your money. Use their service once in a pinch and the temptation is there to keep using it and using it, paying every time. How much is your integrity worth?

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