Wednesday, June 19, 2024

I Knew there Would Be Complications

So regular reader knows I did some paver-related landscaping in the front yard earlier this spring. Part of that project included routing a water line and power line underneath a slab of concrete in the front yard. The work went smoothly . . . until it didn't.

Now the valves fed by that power cable aren't working. Well, they're not shutting off fully. I've cleaned the valves twice, so I'm not sure what's going on. Second time involved digging them up and basically rebuilding the manifold.

So tomorrow's activity will include buying a new power line and using that to test if it's the power line that's shorted somewhere or if the valves I have are bad, and their breaking is just coincidental to the relocation of the power supply.

Not really looking forward to that, but I'm also not really liking that our lawn is burning up right now. We have hoses and sprinklers to move around, but that's not fun at all.

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