Thursday, June 6, 2024

Save Money? Good Luck.


So Rocky Mountain Power wants to goose our electric bills up by about a quarter, spreading that load over a couple of years so maybe we don't notice all that much.

They brag in this news story that we'll still have one of the lowest electric bills in the country. Which is well and good. When everyone's increasing their prices and you're at the bottom, that's easy to say.

And I guess I shouldn't complain that much. We do have solar on the house which pretty much negates our bill for four or five months out of the year. And maybe that's why they're putting their rates up -- a lot of people have gone solar.

Makes me wish we could afford that $20,000 for the battery system we looked at earlier this year, but it's not in the cards nor do we yet have the room for it. Maybe once we get the house paid off in five or six years . . . 

So yes, First World Problems to be sure.

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