Sunday, June 9, 2024

I Don't Use AI . . . Yet.

As is expected, a writer is aghast they have been accused of using artificial intelligence to do their job.

But, give it a few more years, and maybe they will use it.

Article is linked here. Relevant passage repeated below (emphasis mine):

"Does this issue with AI matter right now?

"Not really. Either it will remain unusable, like now, and we won’t be using it for copy at all; or, it will become usable in the future, but you’ll still need someone like me to check it over and make sure it’s correct. Either way, you’d have to know the best ways to use it, and the nuances of the tool’s prompts. In essence, in the future, if AI becomes that good (which I doubt – remember Blu-Ray, holograms, and polyurethane tires?) we won’t need to worry about it because it will do what I do and you won’t be able to tell the difference, as long as I have worked out the best ways of using it in my job. But I don’t think AI will reach those echelons. I really doubt it. I can see the issues with it now, and it’s janky to say the least. And so I won’t be using it for the foreseeable future."

I'm going to ask their question, but address it differently: Does this issue with AI matter right now?

Absolutely. I failed a student in one of my English classes last semester because they got caught using AI to write an essay in class, and then continued to use it even after they were warned not to. AI in all of its jankiness and sloppiness, is very much a temptation for inexperienced writers -- and I find it hard to believe experienced writers aren't out there playing with it right now, figuring out how they can use it safely. And maybe to the point we won't be able to tell.

Is AI writing going to get better? I think it's inevitable. There are already paid AI services out there that note the jankiness and work around it so as to become virtually undetectable. This author themselves says this about technology: (again, emphasis mine) "Maybe AI could be the end of everything we know now, maybe it will destroy certain systems in that things might change, but change is not an end, where tech is concerned, it's usually progress."

Uh-huh. I've got a bridge I'd like to sell you if you're interested.

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