Sunday, June 23, 2024

Mending . . .

First box is mended.

I may regret not buying a manifold to replace this old one, as with the old one I was not able to use the quick release attachments as they were the wrong size. But part of me is a bit tired of throwing money at this project.

The gravel in the bottom is a bonus from a previous project. Hopefully it'll make things look a little cleaner until the bugs move it.

Second box is being more of a challenge. I'm dealing with an odd configuration of pipes (two valves without a manifold) and some really rusted hardware.

I've got one valve out, with the other getting buried a bit as I work. The ground is so dry . . . but we do live in a desert, after all. Also had a lot of root intrusion from the nearby apricot tree. Guess I should have expected that after a decade, but seeing that inch-thick root snaking by one of the valves was startling.

I was going to go out and work on it today, but nah. I need some rest. Also, I have to get ready to go to Island Park tomorrow night to replace the stupid water pump in the camper . . .

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