Saturday, June 22, 2024

Sprinklers Continue to Break

Apparently, this is my Summer of Sprinklers: The Revenge.

In the first few years after we moved into this house, my brother and I worked to install a sprinkler system. It's been a nice way to have the lawns watered automatically nigh these many years.

Then this year came.

I was late getting sprinklers started -- didn't get them tested until the first week of June. I identified some problems with some circuits in the front yard, and worked to repair those.

In the meantime we had a freeze -- not uncommon for our neck of the woods this time of year -- and it blitzed several circuits in the back yard. So I've spent many hours this past week digging up valves and lines, replacing valves, and meeting some success in getting things working again. I'm hoping with what I did today and what I'll accomplish maybe tomorrow -- it's ox in the mire time -- or next weekend will see everything set right. In the meantime, I've been dragging hoses all over the place and the lawn looks like a missile testing site. Here's to getting things up and running and having a better summer from here on out.


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