Wednesday, November 4, 2009

He . . . Has . . . Returned

Alan came back from his Uncharted presentation at Columbia University in New York a bit less -- well, a lot less -- battered than Thorin Oakenshield came back from the Battle of the Five Armies, which is good news.

Better news: He's been asked to go back to Columbia, when they have a heck of a lot more students crawling around, in the spring. And since he's got his presentation through at least the first used draft, he's taht much further ahead in knowing how to do things when he gets there. What would be fun would be to arrange it so Michelle and I could go to New York along with him, ostensibly as support but more along the lines of tourists.

Alan plans to do an update on the convention at the Uncharted blog, but in the meantime I thought I'd do some horn-tooting here.

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