Wednesday, December 8, 2010

We Need to Merp the Merp to Avoid A Merpity-Merp

If you’ve ever opened your Facebook feed and just found it too overwhelming to read all of the updates you’re getting from your friends, the folks at TigerLogic have something for you.

Or, conversely, you could be just like me and wonder: “Just how hard is it to read a Facebook feed?”

Yes, I’m on Facebook. And on Twitter. I’m a member of – and part-owner of –, a social network that focuses on travel, writing and photography. I run six blogs and read about two dozen others on a regular basis. I’m what you might call a bit overstimulated, atechnologically, at least when words and such come into play.

But I manage it all.

Oh, I don’t read everything. I skim a lot. That’s just part of the Internet territory. And I use one of my blogs as kind of a central input spot for everything, so all my other links are just a click or two away. I’ve also got a mobile device I can check while in bed, on the potty, et cetera. I do fairly well, thank you very much.

But the TigerLogic folks, they want to make things easier for folks like me. That’s why they’re offering “PostPost.” A newspaper/newsfeed whatchamacallit that lets you pre-program whose Facebook updates you want to read and presents them in a tight, concise little package. You know, kinda like Facebook.

I love the Internet. This social networking thing is starting to grow on me. But do I really need a service to help me read my services more efficiently? Can’t I do that already in Facbook, either manually or by limiting the number of friends I have?

Or do I really need PostPost, whose architects – or at least press agents – demonstrate a keen grasp of the relevant buzzwords:
Under the hood, PostPost employs jQuery Masonry, created by David DeSandro, to make efficient use of page space and organize posts in tight columns for quick reading. Additionally, PostPost is integrated with TigerLogic's yolink search-enhancing technology to help readers search PostPost's vast real-time content and return actionable search results with key terms in context.

Literally, bodies are hitting the floor as they try to plow through this news release. (And whenever I hear the phrase “news release,” I just have to add: “Engineer finds cure for cancer while saving baby from burning building.”

And, frankly, I think they’re going to hear from the folks at the New York Times and the New York Post and have to explain some of the design coincidences PostPost shares with those publications.

What I’m waiting for is a service that integrates all of my various social media feeds, needs, and wants. Oh. I’ve got that already: this blog. Thanks Santos.

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