Now begins what I hope may become a regular feature of this blog: Drawings for Daddy. If you have young children, you know they produce an inordinate amount of original art, all of which they believe is suitable for framing and eternal preservation. We had bales of the stuff until I hit upon the plan of scanning the pictures into the computer, thus preserving the art but not necessarily the mounds of paper it's attached to. We do, of course, save the best, but if we saved everything, we'd have to have our study declared a landfill. So, here are a few examples:
Daddy Helps Lexie Pray, by Lexie, age 6:

I Am A (Cyclops) Child of God, by Isaac, age 4:

Mom, How Do You Spell Daddy's Name, by Liam, age 8:
I just get teary-eyed looking at it all.
My favorite part is the Charlie Brown-esque shirt you're wearing in Lexie's drawing.
You have cute kids.
My kids always seem to be able to bring out my inner Charlie Brown. I don't suppose I'll ever be able to repress it.
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