Sunday, September 7, 2008

Truck Update -- and Another Video

Just to stave off the curiosity of the scores of blog fans anxious to know what's happening with our truck: Nothing. I drove it this morning, with only minor, clutch-related incidents, 30 miles to the one mechanic in Eastern Idaho whom we trust. Then I had to hitch a ride back home with my father-in-law and associates, all dressed for church while I was dressed as if I were late for a hobo parade. But I didn't mind, of course.

Went an entire Saturday -- one whole day -- without Internet. Finally got through to our ISP's tech support last night, to find out that our account had been suspended for non-payment. Apparently, they don't call if your credit card expires, they just figure you're a deadbeat who doesn't want Internet service any more. So we got them straightened out, thank goodness.

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