Tuesday, April 12, 2011


So, you know that post I put up last night, about being frustrated that once again I had no class to teach at BYU-Idaho.


I do. Twenty-five souls.

Not that the BYU-I website makes it easy to find that out. Last time I checked, I had five students pre-registered for one of the sections I was signed up to teach. Then they disappeared. Like they had the time before, and the time before that. I figured, well, no students there, no students anywhere. Still, I kept checking. Maybe I’ll get lucky. But no.

Then I checked – on a whim – in Brainhoney today, just to see what was happening. Twenty-five students. HELP!

I found this out by e-mailing my, oh, what’s the phrase – instructor coach or adviser or something: My section of the course had indeed been cancelled, but the one that suddenly appeared in Brainhoney is one that he was going to teach. It’s now “in the process” of being transferred over to me. I have that from two sources now, so it's official. And it might not be complete until the weekend, giving me not a lot of time to get ready.

I’m thrilled, but I would have liked a little notice.

Good thing is, I’ve read the text.

Good thing is, I’ve got an introductory podcast ready to go.

Good thing is, I’ve got a week to re-read everything and poke and prod the online course from the teacher’s side until everything is ready to go.

Bad thing is, I can’t check it all from work so I’ll have to wait until I get home to do it all.

So I’m a little nervous.

Someone is watching over this wovable, bwue-eyed, adowable wittow fat man.

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