Sunday, April 26, 2009

What He's Written Will Be A Window into His Madness

I try to spend my weekends as free of the Internet as possible. I'm with my family, obviously, so I have much more important things to do than fiddle away the hours on the LCD Boob Tube. This weekend, indeed, we did a lot, highlighted by a two-mile hike with three children under ten on Idaho's Cress Creek Trail, which is no slouch for showing off nature and a pretty good climb for little legs to boot. I also put out the lawn fertilizer, bug killer and did my home teaching. A rich, full weekend.

But tomorrow, I head back to work. And since I have my head in a computer all day long, the Internet does leak through from time to time. And what people write on the Internet, as well as what I write, is as Marge says: A window to our madness.

This is a mad, mad, mad, mad world.

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