Saturday, March 19, 2011

Today's YouTube Nonsequitur: La Femme D'Argent

Once and a while, somebody on YouTube really throws a wildcard at you. Take this video -- ordinary traffic on Market Street in San Francisco circa 1906 (according to researchers, this was likely taken four days before the massive earthquake and fire that destroyed a good portion of the city) combined with a bit of modern technojazz, and you've got something that's hypnotic to watch.

Things I noticed:
  1. Boys (and boyish men) will ALWAYS mug for the camera.
  2. The more muggish boys will, in fact, run to keep up with the camera so they can be featured more than once.
  3. We ought to have more horses and carts on the roads nowadays.
  4. Ladies still ought to wear hats like that.
  5. I want a bowler hat of my very own.
  6. We are slobs today. Everybody there is wearing a suit jacket or heavy dress. Yeah, some of the cuts aren't the finest, but they're all dressed up.
Here's a bit more on the historical background of the film, if you're interested. Bonus points: Introduced by the grumpiest of TV journalists, Morley Safer.

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