Thursday, January 22, 2009

A Blogging First . . .

All 3 1/2 regular readers of this blog know that I've long shilled -- a new geosocial media agency project that I've been involved with for the past few years -- relentlessly here. But this is a new tack on that shilling: For the first time, I can provide a link to one of my stories which you can read on an almost fully-functional website, rather than posting the story here with vain and hollow promises of a website, and online community, to come. We're thrilled to have come this far, and hope to go even further.

So here is the link, to a story I wrote (and pictures we took) while on a cruise to Alaska. Hope you enjoy it:

If you do enjoy it, please peruse the rest of the stories and photos we have posted. Then join the community and start posting stories and photos of your own. We're going to have a lot of fun at Uncharted, and would like you to come along.

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