Saturday, April 24, 2010

Rexburg's Kaczynskis Nabbed

So, the Rexburg Police Department "found" four suspects in the Manifesto Brouhaha. Wonder if they turned themselves in.

My concerns:
  1. I still don't know what the manifesto says in full.
  2. Prosecute them? Really? A few generations ago we'd have them put the signs back up and pay for any that were missing. But a criminal record? Hardly. I guess at this time they've not officially been charged, but still, the possibility is there.
  3. And if they are charged and found guilty, they can kiss BYU-Idaho student status goodbye, if they don't get shoved out the door for just the act itself. Yes, it was a dumb thing for them to do -- but do they really have to face the possibility of getting kicked out of school over it?
  4. I STILL don't know what the manifesto says in full. I know it's not "Industrial Society and Its Future," but still . . .

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